Explore Central Bank of Lesotho investment opportunities.

Retail Investors Requirements

Institutional Investors Requirements
Investment Procedures
Investors can participate in the Government Securities market through primary market auctions or the secondary market, available any working day. All investors wishing to participate in the treasury bills/bonds transactions must be registered on the CSD. An investor registers by filling out the Registration Form (CBL/TBR/0) available at the Bank.
Instructions for bidding in the auction
- The minimum bid volume is LSL 5,000 and bids must be in multiples of LSL 100.
- Separate bid forms should be completed for each tenor (e.g. 91, 182, 273, and/or 364 days).
Auction Categories
There are two categories of investors or bids during auctions:
- Competitive investors: their bids exceed LSL 100,000. They are considered auction price makers.
- Non-competitive investors: Their bids range from LSL 5,000 to LSL 99,900. They are considered auction price takers.
All bids, competitive and non-competitive, must be submitted to the Central Bank. All bids are captured on the Central Securities Depository System (CSD) for participation in the auction. The Central Bank of Lesotho will accept a maximum of four bids in the competitive category and only one bid in the non-competitive category. All bidders (competitive and non-competitive) are awarded at the auction’s accepted lowest yield, corresponding to the highest price per 100, using a single-price auction system. This means that all successful bidders pay at a uniform price.
The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject all or any portion of any or all bids if it deems it necessary in the interest of maintaining stable rates in the financial market. Bids may also be rejected if the auction rules stipulated above are breached and/or a bid is deemed an outlier.
The auction is conducted at the Central Bank of Lesotho premises on the auction day (usually Wednesday at 09:30 am); there is no need for the presence of any investor to witness the auction.
The Central Bank of Lesotho follows a T+0 settlement arrangement, meaning all successful bids are settled on the same day of the auction. This is done by directly debiting the commercial settlement banks' accounts held at the Central Bank for the value of the securities or investments purchased. It is important for successful bidders to ensure that their accounts are adequately funded on settlement day to meet their obligations. If a bidder fails to fully pay for Treasury Bills on settlement day, the CBL may exclude them from participating in subsequent auctions for six months at its discretion. Additionally, the CBL reserves the right to cancel or take up any Treasury Bills that are not fully paid for by a successful bidder on settlement day.
The securities are issued electronically in a de-materialized form, meaning no physical certificates are issued to treasury bills and bondholders. Investors can request their CSD statement of holdings or award advice after every transaction, on a monthly basis, or at any time.
Contact: registry@centralbank.co.ls/22232143/2103.
Financial Markets 2023 - Website Brochure
Contact Details
Email: financialmarket@centralbank.org.ls
Contact Number: 22232143/2423/2103