Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) Statement of the 27th September, 2022
September 27, 2022
Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) Statement of the 31st January, 2023
January 31, 2023During his end-of-year address to members of staff on 16th December 2022, the Governor indicated that, as a tradition, “the Management of the Bank awards Christmas gifts to the poor, disadvantaged, and vulnerable groups in Lesotho”. In light of this, he pledged that an electronic wheelchair, combined magnifier and screen reader device/laptop, and hearing aid would be awarded to three (3) members of staff as follows:
- Mr. Realeboha Khamali, electronic wheelchair.
- Ms. Theresia Mofomobe, combined magnifier and screen reader (braille) laptop.
- Mr. Machabe Mahloane, hearing aid.
The Governor officially handed over the gifts to beneficiaries during his New Year Address, which was held on Friday 27th January 2023. In his remarks, the Governor reiterated that the Management’s good gesture was inspired by the words of wisdom that, “charity begins at home”. In addition, he emphasized that, as a public institution, the Bank should strive for inclusivity. In this regard, he expressed hope that the gifts would serve as sources of motivation to the recipients in their endeavors to serve the Bank with more happiness, efficiency, and effectiveness.
On behalf of the beneficiaries, Ms. Mofomobe thanked the Management for such a unique gesture targeted at people with disabilities. While people with disabilities often face stigma and discrimination, both domestically and internationally, she commended that CBL had set a good example that people with disabilities had a role to play in the transformation of both public and private institutions at the domestic and international levels. “On behalf of my colleagues, and on my own behalf, I wish to accept these special gifts from Management with appreciation, pride, and gratitude- we feel so humbled”, she concluded.